Flat brush floral


Shari Blaukopf's Sketchbook

I don’t know about you but sometimes it takes me several starts to get the result that I want. With florals my aim is to keep the watercolour loose and fresh, not overworked or nitpicky. Today’s first try — painted with a small round brush — looked like that, so I decided to give it another go. I grabbed a fresh sheet of paper and for my second attempt I picked up a big, flat 1 1/2″ brush. There’s no mistaking what the shapes will be with a brush that wide. You can’t work on details. And since flowers of the same colour seem to look better when you paint them all as one big mass, the big brush helped me get a better start. Thinking carefully about edges, I painted a big yellow shape and then did the same with the red, and from there it was easier to work in the details like the leaves and the stems (the flat brush is ideal for…

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Your one wild and precious life



“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

Mary Oliver is a badass. Her poetry makes my heart sing. I can literally feel it in my bones. She asks this question after a day outdoors, watching grasshoppers and communing with nature.

I’ll admit my bias—she is a fellow Cleveland girl. Anyone who can write like that growing up in Cleveland must have imagination. It has not always the most artistically inspiring city, what with the steel mills and river catching on fire in my formative years.

But my thoughts today really aren’t centered on Cleveland or Mary Oliver. She is just a delightful route to the question she poses—What DO you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

I’ve been writing about the “big” things lately–life has put me in musing mode yet again. Tersea, my coworker has stopped…

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Spring Girl


A Pict in PA

This week’s Life Book lesson was taken by Misty Mawn.  Misty Mawn is a mixed media artist I had heard a lot about so it was fun to experience a lesson with her and learn what her approach to art is.  Hers is a much looser, much more painterly, much more intuitive style than I know I am capable of so the lesson really dragged me out of my comfort zone.

This is one of those pieces I regret not taking progress shots of because at no stage did it ever resemble or even predict what it was going to end up looking like.  My initial sketch was actually a self-portrait (without glasses) and actually a rather good one so I wish I had thought to take a picture of that.  It was, however, never my intention for the final painting to resemble me.  Instead I was using my…

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It’s Not Just Muscles I’m Growing, Here


Squat Rack Shenanigans

I had a mini-epiphany the other morning while I was driving to school.

You see, winter ended last week, meaning that this week it’s summer, so I was able to take my sleeveless dresses out of the closet and pack away my sweaters and pants. SoCal doesn’t know how to properly season.

But it’s the dress I was wearing the spurred the insightful moment. For the first time in months, I felt free, and confident. The scale that morning had read a full ten pounds heavier than my “preferred” weight as of not long ago, and yet I was happy. I was so, so happy. My body felt strong, I had my arms out and I just knew my students would remark on it, “Miss P, stop flexing, it’s distracting,” and we would laugh. I had spent the previous 8 weeks or so covered up in sweaters and pants, each day dreading getting dressed…

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Natural IS Beautiful



Today I’m going to share something very personal to me. Something that I have gone through and something that has helped make me feel beautiful in a natural way.

I have Graves disease as well as Hyper thyroid. Regardless of what doctors say God is working in me. The great Physician and He will do a miracle. I’m already doing so much better thanks to Him!

Well when I was first finding this out I was losing a lot of hair. That didn’t help with self-esteem.

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