Happy Easter

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Happy Pentecost Sunday & Whit Monday




God is doing such a new thing in the children and I this year. Many of the holidays that we never explored before in our Christian faith are being brought to the forefront for us to understand and celebrate….Pentecost Sunday and Whit Monday are no exception.



In case you were unaware of these days in Christianity, I will provide links for you to learn about them so you can at least prepare for next year and have some special prayer time today. ( they are highlighted so when you click on them it will take you to info)

God understands that many of us are not privy to this information throughout our whole lives and that is why I love him so.

He is strategically teaching those who are after his heart, what should be participated in and what should not be, and the why !

So many times people are just doing things out of religious ritual and he is truly embedding an understanding in the children and I that brings the values, morals and principles out of all that and helps us to get close to him and the real reasons behind the seasons.

Make sure in all your getting, you also are getting understanding. (Proverbs 4:7) Do not worry about all you do not know, he will reveal what you need to know to you as you pray, fast, tithe and read his word, and no matter what anyone says embrace your faith, Gods love, Jesus’s blood and the Holy Spirits comfort with all your heart in all that you say and do !!!

wandasncredible appreciates you !!!


P.S. This is from a post I made on Facebook earlier. And don’t forget to click all highlighted links they lead to info/blessings !!!

Hello Everyone ! Happy Pentecost Sunday and Whit Monday !

It is a wonderful thing to celebrate the Holy Spirit and to show love to a true powerhouse, comforter and friend.

In all of my doing, My aim is to make sure that my faith is illustrated also in the items on Amazon and Spreadshirt by the wandasncredible brand.

With that being said……

To get beautiful quality apparel and items that celebrate the Holy Spirit all year long….Go to my Linktree ! You will not only find things you can buy but you will also have access to an exclusive page with nothing but FREEBIES too !!!

There are…..

Affordable Prices ! FREEBIES ! And the Celebration of God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) all in one place ! Blessings to one and all …Your support is Appreciated because wandasncredible appreciates YOU !!!



Available TODAY!


The newest  addition to the wandasncredible books lineup is called “Walking with God:10 Principles for a Christian Life” and it is available as a Kindle Format TODAY!

Pick up your copy and be blessed ! I am so grateful to God for his working through me and I am thankful for each and every one of you! Below is the blog intro and purchase link, I am posting on all social media outlets for the book. God bless YOU!

From the Best Selling Author of “10 Prayers & Scriptures for the Soul” and “Now” comes a power packed short book that will enrich the lives of all Believers.

Expect to be moved by valuable principles, that will bless you and give definition to your “Walk with God” like never before.

Quoted within the book are: Dr. Sharon Nesbitt, Latrice Ryan, Bishop T.D. Jakes and Cindy Pentecost. Blessings. #drsharonnesbitt #latriceryan #tdjakes#cindypentecost


AVAILABLE NOW>>>Get your copy today !!!!



FRIDAY (May 25, 2018) — Read. Pray. Love. Daily.

“Order of Worship” Ω § WE ARE LED INTO GOD’S PRESENCE Let us draw near to our heavenly Father through His only Son Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit, approaching the throne of grace with confidence that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need: O Lord and Ruler […]

via FRIDAY (May 25, 2018) — Read. Pray. Love. Daily.

New American Standard Bible

Happy New Year!!!!!!!


The post below is one I made a few years back…..As I read it I was moved to repost it!

“This is the day…This is the day…That the Lord has made…That the Lord has made..I will rejoice… I will rejoice and be glad in it…and be glad in it”…sing the rest Saints…👏👏👏this song is on my heart…. 😇God has been, is and will forever be the Head and not the tail of my life! 👍Prayersgoingup 🙏🙏🙏for everyone,my whole day through..Psalm 42:1 says”Do me justice, O God,and fight my fight against a faithless people;from the deceitful and impious man rescue me”Expect wisdom and protection Saints! God is giving these gifts out before the new year hits💨,This is the eve of new beginnings… I love you all with the ❤️of Christ… And there is nothing you can do about it!#Besafeandblessed

wandasncredible appreciates you!!!!!

P.S.Today I made two new videos for my youtube channel “The wandasncredible channel” but I will only post one here:

The Lamb of God

The promised son carrying the wood, Led up the hill by father in grief. “Where is the lamb?” asks the child. “God will provide!” replies the man. The Anointed One carrying His cross, Mocked by those He came to save. “Here is the Lamb!” God revealed. “God has provided, sinner now come.” The Lion of […]


A Call For Prayer

Creation! Family! Friends! And Prayer warriors!

Please send prayers up for all who are enduring sickness,disease,addiction,hospitalization, and those dealing with loss. The devil is busy but God never sleeps…I am putting self aside and sending prayers up for us all.This too shall pass! I rebuke satan right now in Jesus name! He is a defeated foe family and he cannot have 2016! This is a new year and God has new blessings in store for us all! I thank you in advance Father God for answering the prayers of your faithful….In Jesus name…Selah..Amen!