Monday Men of Joy!!!


What does the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu and Thomas Keating have in common? Joy,Peace,Love,Purpose,Humbleness and Honesty.

One of the things on my bucket list is to at least read one book from each of these men…God has truly touched them in a way that is completely what I truly desire in my life. I am grateful that I can see these qualities in my life itself but they have not gotten to the point that these great men have achieved. 

I believe that these men not only truly trust God….but he truly trusts them…enough to reside in their lives like a light…so bright that I can see it in there words…on their book covers and especially when they speak. They take no credit for this oneness but yet give over their will completely to the creator….and he blesses them beyond their hearts content.

We are all searching for this….that’s why we masquerade our lives all over social media for everyone to see….trying to prove our worth…our value…what we have and what we call “achievement”…..but these men do not edify themselves…people are drawn to them…to the light…to the God in them….and they live in a place…that doesn’t need a job, or things, sex, drugs,alcohol or the tangible….they live in the realist place there is…the intangible….the live in unison with “Love”

wandasncredible appreciates you!

P.S. Here are links to their *profile pages on Amazon with all of their books.Quotes and other valuable insight of theirs is just a google click away! Have a blessed and safe Monday!

*(In the order of their pictures above)


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